Mental Health


 Mental health is a state of well-being that enables individuals to cope with the stressors of life. It touches on the social, psychological, and emotional aspects of our lives. It affects how we think, how we feel, and how we act.

In our respective worlds, there is a lot of demands that life places upon on us. The society expects us to actively show up and be there for our loved ones through all their issues, good or bad. Our jobs and careers also demand that we show up and give our absolute best at whatever it is we are working on. The communities within which we live in also demand a piece of us in form of our time and financial resources. 

To keep up with these demands is a real struggle, and yet the expectation out there is that we ought to show up and meet each of them. 

In the midst of our busy schedules, we could easily neglect ourselves and our mental well being which could degenerate to an endless loop of stress and depression that could cause irreversible mental defects.

Poor mental health could also lead to a state of dysfunction and physical ailments which could be costly, counter-productive, and not worth the hustle.

This is why it is important to incorporate techniques and exercises in our daily lives to help us remain grounded and maintain our mental health in a state of balance. 


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