Four Types Of Temperament


Temperament is drawn from the Latin word temperare which basically means to mix or blend in proportion. The term temperament was first conceived during the era of traditional 'Graeco-Arabic' medicine when it was used to diagnose illness. 

Within the context of psychology, temperament is used to ascertain personality types. There are four types of temperament which are; melancholic, phlegmatic, sanguine, and choleric. 

This article will be breaking down these temperamental types to help us identify them in ourselves and those around us..


Melancholic type is typically a grounded personality type. They are usually orderly and do their things in a straightforward way. They adhere to the rules and family or customary traditions. They are loyal to their family and friends and see this loyalty as a duty. They are respectful to authority and are comfortable in environments where hierarchies, structures, and regulations are implemented. 

Melancholics are unlikely to marry foreigners or even move to different countries. They usually flourish in professions such as accounting, management, and administration. 


If we refer to the melancholic as a rule follower, then the choleric could be referred to as a rule breaker. Cholerics are natural born leaders, driven, and goal oriented. They tend to be decisive, assertive, and impatient with those who cannot keep up. 

Cholerics have a need for control and power that sometimes lean towards dominance. Cholerics prefer to be around people who can help them achieve their goals or challenge them intellectually. 

When it comes to relationships Cholerics struggle with intimate ones as they tend to be dominating and focused more on results than feelings. 

Cholerics would thrive more on careers such as politics, project management, human rights advocacy, leadership, management, or supervisory roles, security, engineering, or statistics. 


Phlegmatic personalities are usually calm, relaxed, and with an easy-going personality. A phlegmatic derives pleasure from helping others and being charitable. They are very caring and would prefer to avoid conflicts when confronted with one. They are peacemakers who would try to mediate between others to restore harmony.

Phlegmatics are very agreeable, non-confrontotational, and never take sides. They are usually the types that are described as cooperative, considerable, sympathetic, trusting, and warm. 

Phlegmatics become the best care takers, parents, and spouses. They rotate and excel towards careers like  counselling, psychology, nursing, and social services.


Sanguine temperaments are risk taking pleasure seekers. Typically, Sanguines may struggle with behavioral or process addictions such as sex or food addiction. To a sanguine, the process of preparing a meal for instance may be more exciting than the high itself.

Sanguine could be suitable in careers like chef, travelling, marketing, and fashion.

So..among these where do you fall. 


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