Transactional vs Transformational Relationship


Have you ever wondered what sort of relationship you have with your romantic partner, friends, family, or work colleagues.

Well, on this article we will be looking at two forms of relationships and how they affect our lives and general well-being:

A transactional relationship is one that is primarily based on reciprocity. It's primary basis is give and take. In a transactional relationship, the parties involved expect to get something in return for their investment into the relationship. Take for instance a romantic relationship where either party would give in to sexual advances in exchange for material benefits like money, fame, status, and power.

One of the key characteristics of a transactional relationship is that it is self centred, the emphasis is on getting and not giving. Someone involved in a transactional relationship will keep asking "what am I getting out of this," "what is in it for me."

On the other end of the spectrum is a transformational relationship which is based on authentic engagement and connections. A transformational relationship is all about giving unconditionally with no expectations of returns, this form of relationship fosters mutual growth of all parties involved and tends to last longer compared to a transactional relationship.

Your relationship is not transformational if it is not changing you for the better. Your relationship is not transformational if it is primarily about you. Your relationship is not transformational if you only give with expectations of what you are getting in return.

Your relationship is not transformational if you don't truly love the people you are with. If you are not genuine in your interactions. But beyond all, your relationship is not transformational if it is not about making the world a better place, for you and for everyone else involved.

A transformational relationship is made of empathy, compassion, respect, and acceptance of others as they are as opposed to who you want them to be. A transformational Å•elationship supports our growth, encourages us to grow, holds space in our growth in all aspects of our lives and is one of the key ingredients for balance.


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