Are you outgoing or reserved. Do you love spending time alone or in the company of others. Are you the talkative type or more of a silent observer. 

Knowing your personality type could help a great deal in improving your mental health. You would finally understand why you find some places or situations irritating or uncomfortable while comfortably gravitating towards other spaces or situations. 

The more you work on yourself, the easier your life becomes. And the first step to working on yourself is by having the right knowledge of self.

There are four main personality types:


The Oxford dictionary defines an extrovert as an outgoing, socially confident person. Typically an extrovert draws their energy from the external world and social interactions. The extrovert has a lot of social confidence and tends to feel excited spending time with other people. Extroverts are usually referred to as talkative, sociable, or friendly. 

Are you excited about meeting new people? Does a big social event leave you renewed and emergized? Chances are that you might be an extrovert. 


An introvert is the exact opposite of what an extrovert is. Typically thought of as shy, quiet, and reserved. An introvert tends to avoid social situations and interactions unless they have to. And even if they have to, their laid back, reserved nature would come into play. An introverted person tends to focus more on their inner thoughts and feelings. 

In a social gathering or setup; do you tend to quietly sit in a corner by yourself instead of freely mingling and interacting with others?Would you rather stay indoors than venture outside? Chances are that you are an introvert.


An ambivert is an individual whose personality is a mixed balance of an extrovert and an introvert. 

Naturally, ambiverts engage in a flexible pattern of listening and talking. 

When in the right mind, around the right people in the right context, ambiverts can be extroverted. Adjusting behaviour to fit a situation or a person seems to come naturally to ambiverts.


An omnivert is a person who exhibits extreme traits of both an introvert and an extrovert. Depending on the situation and the people around them, an omnivert would display extreme extrovert or extreme introvert tendencies.

An omnivert could be both fearless and shy, outgoing and reserved, talkative and silent. A distinctive difference between an omnivert and an ambivert is that:

When an omnivert is in their extroverted zone, they are unmistakably extroverted. Similarly, if they are in their introverted headspace, you will have no doubt that they are introverted and nothing else. 

An omnivert might thrive in a social scene or they might withdraw. They are a classic example of both personalities. 

An ambivert on the other hand has a balanced mixed levels of both personalities. In any setting, they can exhibit both personalities at the same time in a balanced fashion. For instance, listening quietly and switching up their energy levels when it is their turn to express themselves.

So.. among these four personality types.. where do you fall


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