There is a common misconception that has been sold to us for decades, especially by the older generation that no one has ever died from hard work. Which could be true by the way but which I strongly disagree with because I believe such statements are meant to push people to stretch beyond what they are physically and mentally capable of at any given time. 

People need to understand that overworking themselves is not the way to go.  As human beings we only have so much energy which once depleted should be renewed to enhance levels of productivity. 

The more one overworks, the more unproductive they become. We can only function optimally from a place calm and focus. This is why it is important to take breaks, have rest days, go on vacations, and so on. Take care of yourself; it is important that you do. 

Self care is highly recommended because it helps in reducing stress levels and burn-out, it improves decision making, it enhances better relationships, and prevents compassion fatigue. 

You don't always have to be doing something to prove to the world how productive you are. Taking a long rest is just as productive. 

Below is a list and a brief breakdown of ways you can take care of yourself:

1. Have Alone Time

Setting aside some time to be by yourself is such an underrated exercise.  You should strive to set aside some time for yourself to indulge in the things you love doing. It could be listening to music, reading a book, painting, swimming, or any other thing that naturally brings you joy.

2. Splurge and Pamper Yourself

Re-affirm your sense of self worth by spending money on treats for yourself. Go to the spa, get a massage, get a haircut, go for facials and a pedicure, take yourself for a proper dinner. Treat yourself like someone you love. 

3. Exercise 

It has been scientifically proven that exercise can increase your serotonin levels. Your exercise routine does not have to be rigorous; a simple 30 minute walk to get your body moving would do the trick. 

4. Go For Therapy 

Your mental health is just as important as other aspects of your being. Going for therapy therefore should be incorporated into our self care routine. A mental health therapist will help you in processing maladaptive and toxic thoughts and thought patterns thereby helping to cultivate healthier ways of thinking.

5. Meditate 

Meditation and yoga have been proven to have a profound effect of helping to centre our thoughts and putting them in proper perspective. When you actively meditate you not only calm your nerves, but you also put things and situations in proper context.

The list above is by no means exhaustive, there are many ways one can take care of themselves. However we should not miss the core message that putting in hours to take of yourself should just be as important as putting in the hours at our regular jobs.


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