Anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder characterised by feelings of fear or worry that are strong enough to interfere with one's level of performance in a given situation or in day to day tasks. 

Some common symptoms of anxiety are:

  • Feelings and acts of restlessness 
  • Having a sense of impending danger or doom
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating palms or forehead
  • Trembling
  • Feeling tired or weak
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything else other than the present worry
Anxiety disorders be classified under several categories depending on the symptoms and⅕ intensity. 

The various forms of anxiety disorders are:

Generalised Anxiety Disorder
This is a form of anxiety disorder that is characterized by excessive and persistent worry about general activities and events-sometimes even ordinary day to day activities. The worry is usually out of proportion to the potential threat.

Panic Disorder
This is an episode (or repeated episodes) of intense fear or terror that can reach peak within seconds (panic attacks).
Panic Disorder is usually characterized by intense reactions like shortness of breath (choke hold feel), chest pains, or a rapid fluttering pounding heart. 

Is the fear of places or situations that might cause feelings of helplessness, panic, or embarrassment. 
Agoraphobia often develops after episodes of one or more panic attacks. 
Examples of agoraphobia includes fear of being in an enclosed space like an elevator, or fear of being in an open and crowded space like a mall or a market.

Selective Mutism 
Is a consistent failure of children to speak in certain situations or places like may be in school. Despite the fact that they can speak normally in other situations or places such as at home with close family members. Selective mutism can interfere with school work and normal social function. 

Social Anxiety Disorder 
Is a high level form of anxiety disorder caused by fear or worry of social situations. 
Social anxiety disorder is usually characterized by feelings of self conciousness, fear of being embarrassed, and concerns of being judged or viewed negatively by others.

Separation Anxiety Disorder 
Is a disorder in which an individual becomes excessively anxious when separating from a significant other. 
This form of anxiety disorder is usually witnessed between children and parents where a child becomes so anxious to a point of throwing tantrums when being separated from their parent(s).

Substance Induced Anxiety Disorder
Is an anxiety disorder characterised by intense panic as a result of misusing drugs, taking medications, exposure to toxic substance, or withdrawal from drugs.

Other Specified or Unspecified Anxiety Disorders
 These are terms for anxiety or phobias that don't meet the exact criteria for any of the anxiety disorders highlighted above but are significant enough to meet the definition of what an anxiety is.

Home/Natural Remedies Of Dealing With Anxiety

1. Exercise: Study now shows that getting your heart rate up can change the brain chemistry to create more anti-anxiety neurochemicals like serotonin and endocannabinoids. 

2. Balanced Diet: Check your eating habits as they could be a cause of your anxiety. 
Stay hydrated, eliminate processed foods, eat a balanced diet rich in complex carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. 

3. Get a good night's rest: It is recommended that one sleeps for 7 to 9 hours of sleep everyday. 
Sleep has been proven to be a natural boost for a healthy mental state.

4. Practice Deep Breathing: Practice taking deliberate, slow, even, deep breaths.
Deep breathing can help to reduce anxiety by restoring normal breathing patterns 

5. Limit Caffeine Intake: Study now shows that caffeine intake may cause or worse anxiety disorders due to its ability alter brain chemistry. This is especially true for people who experience panic attacks. 
Caffeine is known to increase the levels of alertness by blocking the brain chemical adenosine which is what makes an individual tired while at the same time triggering the release of adrenaline.

6. Cut Off Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol is known for disrupting the body’s natural ability to sleep. And as earlier indicated, a good night sleep is incredibly helpful when dealing with anxiety. 
Study also shows that heavy drinking can interfere with balance of neurotransmitters that are in charge of positive mental health. This basically creates an imbalance which may lead to certain symptoms of anxiety. 

Take Away
If you have tried the natural remedies highlighted above and you still experience symptoms of anxiety, then it is highly recommended that you seek help of mental health practitioner specifically a psychologist to help you work through any of the issues.


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